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Page history last edited by Tanya Bunakova 10 years, 10 months ago

1st year, Bachelor of Economics


Welcome to our new space here: http://economicsprague.pbworks.com 


There is a new location for materials published by International Relations, 5th year:

International Relations, 5th year





See our Survey Results on this page:

Survey Results 


Try the new instrument to make your pages beautiful:


On this web-site you can create nice interactive presentations with pictures, audio and video and then embed them on your page. Nastya was the first one to do it.


It's easy and free to add photos, videos and audio to your presentation. See the following instruction if you want to know how to do it:

How to make a presentation


You can download books to read in English on the following web-sites (the first link is for unabridged books with every word translated and the second link is for graded or leveled readers):



Please use the SideBar on the right to go to your page.


Would you like to study Business English this term?
pollcode.com free polls 



Whose page do you like most of all?
pollcode.com free polls 


Now you don't have to leave this site to record your voice. Do it here:


Powered by Vocaroo Voice Recorder







There is a new location for materials published by International Relations, 5th year:

International Relations, 5th year


If you want to get the mail about English (short text, vocabulary, dialogues), you can take out a subscription for it. You should write in search "Деловой английский без отрыва от дел!"



To work more effectively I suggest our assessing your language level and setting goals for the future (especially for those of you who are having the last term of English) using Common European Framework. You can download the documents below:









You can download the ePortfolio (that is a computer programme instead of just papers) from the following web-site (feel free to consult me in case of any difficulties):




View different links to learn English:



If you need more practice with listening go to the following web-site:



If you are interested in psychology and if you want to know what influences our personality  more our genes or education watch this:



To practise Verbs followed by ‘ing’ or by ‘to + infinitive’ see:





For students to edit:

International Relations, 3d year

Finance, 2nd year

Law, 2nd year

SKD, 2nd year  



Programme, 1st year.doc

Programme, IR 2nd year, Britain.doc

Programme, IR 3d year, The USA.doc

Programme: Finance, 3d term

Programme: Law, 3d term

Programme: SKD, 3d term






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